There are moments in your life where you reach a point and wonder to yourself what chain of events led to this time. I was once told to live in the moment. He told me to enjoy the moments that I could have because I never knew when I would be able have an experience like that again. Our lives are composed of moments that fall into a range of categories. Some of us experience more good moments than bad and vice versa. When presented with an oppurtunity that seemed to be promising even if for a short while I have taken it. You may wonder if living in such a state of spontenaity is safe. In all actuality, every day that you walk in this life you walk out into the unexpected. Which makes you wonder what is the point of walking in complete "straight line" when no matter what path you take you could potentially reach a point of disappointment or misfortune. Perhaps the benefit to living such a way is to find yourself living without regret. You take more chances when you take advantage of life instead of letting life take advantage of you.
If I lived my life without caution and my inhibitions to the wind I would probably be alot more at peace. I often pray for a resolution, for an answer to life's puzzle. I wonder when am I going to reach my dream when am I going to fit into a mold that is pleasing not only to me but beneficial to other people as well. What is the point of living only for yourself? The most important thing in life for me at this point is finding what gives me peace. Even if it presents more of a challenge, you should try to do what truly gives you joy. I often think of myself in another light and wonder what kind of situation I would be in if I just made choices based on what I need instead of what may look like the best option for me. At this moment I am in a place where I can not find peace. I often wonder what it is that I am missing. I share this dialogue with you because I know that I am not the only one who thinks of these things or wonders what choices to make when the options seem limited.