Tuesday, November 22

Fairytales. . . . . . .

Yesterday morning began like any other Monday. I came in, went to get breakfast, sat through tool box meeting and caught up on current news.  I asked my co-worker if he had seen the latest on Sandusky investigation and he asked me if I had heard about the recent murders in my part of town.  Pretty normal morning.  Then he recalls another interesting story, "Ohhh I knew it was something I wanted to tell you, did you hear about the woman who got butt injections with cement and glue?  They were talking about it earlier, apparently the picture is on this website."  I immediately started shaking my head thinking "Is it really that serious?"  So naturally, I got to my computer and pulled up the article.  There before my eyes was a woman who looked like a victim of bad surgery.  Her hips and rear were so big that it looked uncomfortable.  I then began to read the article. The individual in the photo is actually the perpetrator who allegedly administered these concoctions to himself as well as another person.  As I read through the article, I found myself experiencing an array of emotions.  The first was disgust, followed by disappointment and lead right into frustration.
I for the life of me, and maybe I'm alone on this, can not understand what makes achieving a body image so important that a person is willing to risk life and limb.  I researched these shots that are highly sought after by women who wish to achieve this particular body image.  The compound that is used is called Hydrogel, which is outlawed in the United States and for good reason.  Let me explain something to those of you who think its that serious, YOUR BODY IS IN THE BUSINESS OF REJECTION.   Now, what do I mean by that.  That means that anytime you introduce anything foreign into your body, your body will naturally try to get rid of it.  So using something that could potentially be dangerous for you makes little to no sense.
I do not understand how we as women have gotten to the point where we can not find a place where we are happy with ourselves, our bodies.  There was a time when I used to have low self-esteem, had slight body issues and was not completely thrilled with myself.  Then I realized, we are not all created the same and if you can't love yourself how in the world do expect someone else to love you.  I understand that society has made us believe that we have to look a certain way in order to be accepted.  But the truth of the matter is, that it doesn't really matter what you look like someone will love you and accept you for who you are.  When you allow yourself to pick yourself apart based on what someone else has defined as beauty then you have lost.  I know many girls who go to great lengths to "improve" their looks.  There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, but when you go the extreme of putting yourself at risk to achieve a body image then there something is wrong.  
I had to also take into consideration those women who feel as though they need these "improvements" for their "career".  What's interesting about this is the fact that any occupation that would require you to have such procedures may not be the right one for you.  However, I know there are some that feel as though there is no other option.  If that is the case, please use your brain and think before you put your body at risk to fulfill some standard.
I honestly have to come to the conclusion that although men are extremely visual creatures that this body image is not life or death issue.  After polling a few young men (maybe my pool was too intellectual), I believe that when it comes to women some men might say "Yeah its nice, but I really don't care one way or the other." Some would even dare say it is a sign of weakness and low self esteem.  And the truth of the matter is simply this, your looks will fade one day and if you can't find that peace with yourself now then no amount of surgery is going to ever make you happy.

*It costs a lot of money to invest in "improvements" and you should really do your research before you invest in something like that .

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