Friday, May 13

Blame Game (Post HipHop and Religion Discussion)

Everyone  has some sort of issue that they are faced with everyday.  No matter what your position, your stature, your demographic, your history, etcetera there is some "issue" that you must overcome at some point.  In some cases, individuals address the "issue" head on and accept responsibility.  These individuals understand that the choices they make are fueled by their own thoughts and desires.  They do not seek out or try to find fault in anyone or anything else.  They find fault in themselves in regards to the choices that they make.  
On the other hand, there are individuals who seek an outlet, a source to place blame for the choices that they make in life.  When the path they have chosen is dark or unsavory they find ways to remove responsibility from themselves and place it on something, someone or some circumstance in their life. 
What's interesting about this is how easily people can remove accountability for their actions.  In addition, how easily they can use the influences as a reason behind the choices that they make and forget the fact that influences do NOT make choices.  PEOPLE MAKE CHOICES.  Each individual has been given they ability to use their freedom of choice and when they make decisions that are not fruitful they should identify the ultimate determining factor. (In case you missed it. . . YOU).
It puzzles me how two people can be put into the same circumstances, introduced to similar influences and seemingly limited options, but one will choose a path that is promising and the other will choose a more self-destructive path.  Where is the determining factor or the variable that causes the difference in choices? According to some people, when a person makes bad decisions he/she is guided by the negative influences to MAKE these unsavory or bad decisions.  So if this statement is valid, how do you explain those individuals who use the same negative stimuli to forge a positive outcome?
One reason that people make bad decisions has something to do with fear.  The fear of failing is an extremely motivating factor in making choices.  The only thing that music, films, or society in general do to really move our choices in negative directions is present the simplicity and acceptance of certain behaviors.  In some people's minds, the idea of selling drugs or sex is much simpler than getting an education or starting your own business.  The level of acceptance or support that a person receive can also strongly pushes a person's mind into making certain decisions. The fear of not being accepted by friends, family or society may force you to play small  Harvesting other people's ideas of you and making them your own thoughts which is the beginning of an inevitable self destructive path.
The first step to making better choices is to first realize that nothing/no one can force you to make a decision.  We have more power than we are willing to give ourselves credit.  No matter the circumstances, you have the opportunity to make whatever choice you want to make.  You are the only person that is responsible for your decisions.  When you reach the point in your life where you are conscious of your actions then you become responsible for the decisions that you make.  Do not allow yourself to believe or accept that you have to do something that you ultimately know is wrong.  In all honesty, you can do what ever you want to do if you are determined.  If it is that important to you, then you will find a way to get it accomplished. 

In closing I leave you all with this, according to "Psychopathy and the Five-Factor Model of Personality" , Pyschopaths "rationalize their behavior, blame someone else, or deny it outright."  So ask yourself, are you ready to accept the responsibility of the choices that you make or are you read to blame someone/something else?  Don't kid yourself, quit finding excuses for your actions, stop playing the BLAME GAME. . . . . . 

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