Monday, May 9

Boycotting the Expectation

So as I was having a moment the other day, I was thinking about the idea life and how much it went against what was expected of me.  I began to reflect on all the decisions that I have made in my life that were based on what everyone expected of me.  I am sure I could write an entire trilogy and have short stories to spare about these decisions. One of the biggest choices I made that directly affects me is my career choice.
I am currently a cog in a major Fortune 500 company.  I currently work in a lab where I test samples day in and day out.  Nothing exciting nor challenging about it, but it pays the bill.  Do not confuse this as complaining, I am very blessed. I think I am more enticed by the income than I am by the actual job.  Sadly enough, that is how I view my current occupation--a job.  Unfortunately for me, I have not come up with a clear and precise course of action.  The interesting thing is unlike so many people living in America, I am exactly where I said I would be. Where I chose to be.  I can very clearly remember saying that my goal was to go to school so I could get a job working for a major Oil and Gas company.  Which was a far cry from what I originally interested in as far as careers were concerned.  So now here I am fulfilling the very expectation that I set for myself based on what everyone else expected of me.
I remember statements like, "Danielle, you are so smart.  You can do anything you want to do." Now understand by "anything" they meant specifically doctor, engineer, lawyer or some other course of professional and highly paid position.  Mind you, I explored each of these occupations and I chose to pursue a degree in Chemistry based solely of the fact that I liked it in high school and I knew I was smart enough to do it.  Now do not get me wrong, I do like chemistry and I do enjoy understanding new concepts but I am sure that if I knew what I know now I would have made some different choices.  So where does this leave me now?  Now after achieving this goal of mine, I am forced with the choice of leaving it behind to pursue something far more fulfilling.  But I bet you are wondering, "So why not just do it?".  But ladies and gentlemen, therein lies the rub.  We have made a full circle now of following the expectation. I chose this career based on the expectation and if I leave it I would be going against the expectation.
What's interesting about this train of thought is when do I start to do what I expect of myself.  It must be an interesting thing to not take what other people (mainly family) into consideration when making decisions.  I often think of who I may let down or disappoint, but to maintain this expectation requires a price that I am not willing to pay the piper.  So now I am faced with the task of just taking the first step towards living up to my OWN expectations.  At the end of the day. . . they were absolutely right I am smart.  I can do anything I want to.
So if you did not get the point, let me spell it out BOYCOTT THE EXPECTATION!


Chay Chay said...

I LOVE THIS! I mean I think about this pretty much EVERYDAY!

Mr.Kassmatic said...

Something that we all think about at some time