Tuesday, May 3


Its an interesting place to be when you find yourself wrestling doubts and insecurities. Its one thing to deal with yourself and all your idiosyncrasies, but a totally different thing to deal with someone else and the potential danger they could bring. Its like hearing a knock at the door and not checking the peephole to see who may be on the other side. Its dark on the other side and the only way to find out who is really there is by taking a chance to get to see them at true face value. When you have found a way to move through this life without having to give someone the benefit and enough rope that they don't choke the life out of you. "Give em an inch and they will take a mile" but in this life the inches seem to serve more of a distance when you have to give them to someone else. "Don't put your trust in man. . . . " passed down from one generation to the next till it was so instilled in me that the roots are deep enough to move the foundation if disturbed. How can you make a choice to live with out relinquishing some of your thread? To travel through life you have to be able to depend on something or someone. You must trust that your encounters serve a purpose greater than your own mere existence. To some extent, your resistance to trust is somewhat selfish. How can someone move forward without forming a connection with you? In one fleeting second, a phrase, a movement, a gesture, a favor could make the difference between someone else finding life or death. Mistrust only leads to mistrust. Deception is real and I do not ask you to pretend that it is not. I merely ask you to take a chance, seize an opportunity, give a good word, offer a hand when you can because the truth of the matter is that you trust in something. Your very breath is proof of that. . . . we are connected in some way whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. We all depend on each other in some significant way or another. Fear is the choice that we make unconsciously or consciously. The idea of giving someone the room to disappoint you seems too much of a loss to bare. But I challenge you to show them another way, perhaps in that moment you will lead them into a light of losing the mistrust that has been breed inside his/her soul. Lead his/her life in a totally different direction affecting all those that he/she come into contact. Spreading like a virus until the world is cured of Mistrust.

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